Saturday, January 23, 2010

112 Miles!

I am writing as I anticipate 112 miles at a semi-blistering pace today. OK, 20-21mph is not really blistering, but to hold a steady 20+ mph pace for nearly 6 hours will feel like a heck of a lot of work. The weather looks like it will hold out and not rain for once, and temps in the high 40s to low 50s seems just right for this training ride/race. Yes there are two sprints during the first 72 miles and then a final attack zone of 9 miles at the end. I am sure the 9 miles will fly by really quickly.
Preparing in the off season for such an event takes a lot of consistent and quality work. Hundreds of endurance miles, tempo sessions, LT work, etc. all add up to a strong fitness level that can handle such rides of great endurance.
I must run and put the final touches on packing my car for the drive to Athens.

Training Plans Available Here